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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
>>> I miss those times terribly.

1:04 AM

Saturday, June 14, 2008
>>> 宇 宏 宇 宏 !!




My baby prince is born!!

The delivery process is really a heart-stopping, blood-dripping, pain-staking one!
But all is worth it!

At 1st i was really determined not to take the epidural injection, but when the contraction starts to get stronger, i can't even answer the nurses questions properly! Fuck care about all the side effects of the injection, I wanted the epidural!

Dear asked for the epidural for me, and i'm glad he did man! 1st time mum always have to be CUT UP "down there". Using Scissors...Cutting Below. Yes. I can't even imagine the pain lo..! I don't know how my mum endured the pain to give birth to 3 of us WITHOUT ANY medication.

When i was treated with the epidural, i was taking the "laughing gas". It was like taking drug legally! Every sniff i took made me high and numb for like 5 secs. Cool man. haha. Taking it continuously made me high all the way! Like floating! Everything seems like a dream lo! Can't feel the epidural needle and tube going into my spine too.
The epidural was superb i tell you. After the injection in the spine, I can't feel ANYTHING from my waist down. Even when that arrogant-fierce-ugly mid-wife was cutting me with the damn scissors, i can't feel a thing!

It was around after 5 hrs of needle poking, crying, contractions, injections and tubes all around me, I was told by that arrogant-fierce-ugly mid-wife to start pushing.

And i pushed and pushed like all the scenes that we saw on TV, for 1 bloody hour!! That mid-wife still can say that i'm not pushing enough and started nagging at me la! She still can say that i'm spending too much time and made her so tired, then sat down beside me to rest!!Hello...someone's giving birth here! And She was the one who caused me to get stitched up TWICE. Biatcchh...enough of her.

Luckily the rest of the nurses were very supportive. Cheering me for that 1 hr plus until my baby comes out. =)

The feeling was really really god-sent and undescribable! When i heard the 1st cry of my baby, my tears are like flowing down automatically!!

The recovering period was tough, can't sit and remove bowels properly, but luckily there's baby. Whenever i see his face, all the pain's gone!

Now that i have recovered, I swear i will NOT go through a normal vargina birth again.

Oh, and throughtout the whole process, my sweet hubby was with me, watching the birth of our little prince. =) I love you dear.


Hand still pale!

Cryin out loud!

HaHa, Little big fellow.

Still in warmer Peeping at Daddy!
In mummy's arms

*muacks* *cutie*

"ohh..what the..."


"i dun wan to change diaper!!"

*so peaceful*


* hmmm... *


wat you looking at?
*heh heh*
oh. i see..
i wan to sleep la.
Kung-Fu panda? see Kung-Fu baby!! go away!
but mummy still wan to take pic, LL...

After my 坐月﹐I'll be free!! Sashimi, Ice cold fizzy drink, ktv!!! Muahaha...!

11:51 AM
