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Saturday, January 24, 2009

This week...

SuckS. I was hit by a massive PMS tsunami.

I was late for work everyday, think cos of this PMS.Felt kinda sick of work, no meaning in my life, aimless.I got all fired up at the smallest things with hubby. Hmph.
And i fucking forgot my MSN password!!!

So shitty. I've tried out like 40 combinations but still failed la. I'm so smart to come out with such a strong password even I MYSELF CAN'T CRACK.

Why can't i just click on the "forgot your password"?

BIMBO me registered the secondary e-mail account as the SAME hotmail account. So HOTMAIL sent confirmation mails for resetting my password to the account that i forgot my password to!! What's more worse, i saw this message,

"You may be able to receive password reset instructions at the e-mail address you use for your Windows Live account, even if you forgot your password."

Duh??????? even if i forgot my password? ............................................................

Can you believe it?? I bloody Can. And i DID NOT set a secret answer and question. GREAT RITE.

Anyway, today's last day of work before CNY!! Yeah! No more waking up shit early in the morning! I'll be taking 1 week leave, and be back to work on the 2nd of FEB. Then me and my colleagues will be going lao yu sheng! So happy..

OH!! Did i mention about my Dinner and Dance?? It was held at MARINA MANDARIN, theme is "MOVIE MANIA" and I was dressed up as a FRENCH MAID! It's all because i'm in the committee that's why i have to dress up. It's hard work preparing from the start to the end, but it was all worth it.

Our big boss and CEO told us they enjoyed the night very much and thus, will be crediting 1 EXTRA ANNUAL LEAVE for the committee members!!! Woohoo! Shiok! All the hard work finally pays off!

Ah teck came by to take a look at me too. Haha.

Our MAN IN BLACK and Harry Potter.

Maid in Manhattan, or rather in Singapore, and MAN IN BLACK.

Jap Girl, Princess Cleopetra, French Maid.

All dressed up and ready for action!

All smiles.. =)

the "monsters" i work with. Haha. Kidding. They are all nice folks. Let me intro, from left,

Pandian, Suresh, Maid, Titus, SivaKumar.

Maid, Titus, Babu.

Pillar, Maid, Pillar.


What do you do when you forgot your mirror? Use your Camera!

the "shy" princess. Haha.

Group photo!!

12:23 AM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chinese New Year is coming...My LEAST LIKED holiday.

As of all the years, I had to spent it with my family and relatives, at msia, NOT FRIENDS in spore.

Now worse, have to spend it with my husband's relatives and friends whom i don't really know.

Economy is getting worse, but i suppose everyone has prepared for the worse. Today my boss asked me, " what are the cost that we can save if we cut down manpower?". Hmmm. Think the nth time of retrenchment is on the way... *fingers crossed*

Even though, through these rough times, I got to eat ABALONE today!! One of my colleague received a long service award so he treated us to steamboat. He worked for 20 years, and as our company practice, he will get extra 3 months pay!! Sad to say, he will be the last batch to receive this. No such benefit after this year. We "lao yu sheng" too!!

Hope i kena 4D tmr! Cos our Yu Sheng was flying here and there when we lao. HAha.

My sis got her 1st tattoo already!!! Super nice la! But she say its super painful. I'm so tempted to have one as well!!

Coming Sat will be DnD!! So Shit lo. We went to rent costumes and 1 of the staff at the costume rental really pissed everyone off. waste my time even talking about it. Just hope he get a mouthful of ulcers.

Just want to say the costume rental is near The Concourse. Obvious enough right.

Anyway, i rented a french maid costume!! Hope it will come out nice.. Cos when we reach there after work, we left with only 1 hr+ before they close shop. Going again on Friday to try on again and collect.

I'll be the receptionist on that day! Marina Mandrin Vendera ball room. Hope it will be fun and the emcee pleassssssse dun call me up on stage.

Back to "My gem life" ! Only finish 21 episodes. 59 more to go!!

10:06 PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
>>> New Year Resolution!!

Last year, my new year resolution was to get myself a license. And i got it!! Not with very good points, but a driving license does not show how many demerit points i got rite. Haha.

This year i have 3 resolution. We must be realistic, so i set only 3 for myself . Short and sweet.

1. Shed at least 5kg from my body!!
2. MC or late not more than 5 times from work.

3. Get our home sweet home.

I should say the 1st 2 are very difficult for me!! Haha. But i will try my very best. Just like how i got my license. =)

The 3rd one, is more of my hubby resolution. Haha. It is upset for me to move out from my parents as I live all my life with them. I will miss shouting "MaMeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" or "Paaaaaaaa" for the smallest thing in the world. Shit. i feel like crying already.

But as the saying goes, "a daughter married off, is like water being splashed out". You know what i mean. And we can have our private time together, (you know what i mean. Heh.) and our own home sweet home!! So anyhow, i hope we can get our house by this year. Then i can have a house-warming party!

My MSN fucking got Virus la!

So Stupid. After i click on some spam email, my MSN will send out messages to ALL my contacts. Some slutty "hey baby". WTF rite! And all of a sudden, all my friends come replying me, "hey baby! wat's up!", "hi baby"....
I find it funny at first.. but after thinking that what if tmr, the message becomes something worse?!

And now i recalled!!!
When i'm loggin in just now, a warning from MSN pops out saying "you are signed in to another computer, please sign in again" then auto logged me out. Shit. Could my MSN account been hacked?!

I hope changing password helps.

P.S Little nonya final episode...So short *Glum* Its ok. I can watch my 80 episodes of "My Gem Life!"

8:11 PM

Friday, January 2, 2009

Daven baby...

I've spent exactly 9 days with him in singapore. Sad to say, I disliked him alot. He couldn't get used to the environment here, so he was crying half the time. And I couldn't get much help from my family members as they had to work. I had to REALLY learn how to take care of a person 24/7. Feeding, bathing, cleaning his bowels, cleaning his vomits, playing with him and teaching him. And most of all, i couldn't have my free time to do a mask, or blow my hair. Not to mention meeting my friends for coffee. But still, when he smiled or laughed, that's my best ever reward for the hectic day. CUTEST!

Then came the day when i had to bring him back to msia. I was happy that i need not take care of him anymore. That i can finally enjoy my holidays and have my free time. I spent another 2 more days with him, experiencing house-wife life. Haha.

11.59pm, wednesday, 31st dec.
I was counting down beside daven, 12midnite, i was sleeping beside him.
To me, that was the bestest countdown i've ever had! Seeing him sleeping peacefully, smiling dreamily, on my arms...

5.30pm, thurs, 1st jan, segamat train terminal.
My in-laws sent me to the terminal. Before i reached the terminal, I was happy, because my holidays are finally approaching.
But once i reached the terminal, saw the train approaching, my heart starts to ache. My in-laws and Daven were standing at the platform.
I SWEAR it looked like a scene in the movie! I was standing at the carriage door as the train was moving off. I called daven and waved good-bye. He looked at me shocked. Like " how come mummy is on the train going away?"
That look on him broke my heart! My tears were rolling down uncontrollably. I think the guy seating beside me was shocked. Haha. Fucking MISS him already!!

I regretted that I blamed daven for occupying my time. I couldnt wait to spend more time with him now!! I finally understood what being a mum is all about.

10:46 PM
